Giving your nails room to breathe might sound absurd for most people. The flaring question being, “aren’t the nutrients and oxygen in the blood supply enough for the nails?” While that is true, fresh air is also a vital element for healthy nails.
Ever noticed some yellowish pigment on your nails after having the same nail polish for a long time? That is proof that your nails need short breaks from nail polish. We will outline a few other instances when it is prudent to go without nail polish.
Dana Stern, a New York City-based nail expert and dermatologist outlines vital signs that indicate your nails need a break from nail polish. They are as follows:
According to Elle, a nail artist, finding the best manicurist is the best way to avoid this. A manicurist qualifies as such if they can work on your nails without buffing them too much. Buffing is noticed when one is experiencing pain or heat. Elle further warns against nail polish peeling whenever you feel like it is time to take them out. Such precautions will save you keratin granulations, which are a result of superficial nail cells.
The type of nail polish you settle for determines the extent of damage while removing. Gel and acrylic polish are hard to remove and can’t compare to regular polish. Caution is vital when removing the gel and acrylic so that you can avoid damaging the nail plate.
According to Stern, aggressive ways of removing your nail polish can damage your nails; hence it is best to avoid mechanical and chemical forms used to remove nail polish. Rough removal such as vigorous scraping qualifies as mechanical measures. Chemical methods such as soaking your nails in acetone for a very long time cause your nails to dry excessively hence becoming more brittle.
The above reason proves the importance of in-between manicure breaks. According to Stern, after noticing any of the damages, it is vital to take at least a six months’ break from gel or acrylic manicures.
Joshua Zeichner, a board-certified dermatologist, gives tips on how to ensure your nails are hydrated. He states that resisting the urge to pick at your cuticles and keeping your nails hydrated is vital.
He further suggests Dior Huile Abricot or daily nutritive serum, which absorbs to leave zero greasy residues. Cuticle oil is also advisable as it aids in preventing further biting and picking as this damage the nails further.
Zeichner advises against biting nails. He states that it can cause infections to the traumatized skin. He says that the bacteria in one’s mouth play the most prominent role in causing the infection.
He also states that Lauren B Beauty Representative Cuticle Oils are the best to keep your fingertips moisturized and prevent any form of inflammation. Keeping the nails hydrated is vital, but eating right plays a significant role in ensuring healthy nails.
It is vital to identify a nail specialist to receive guidance on the best actions to take regarding the state of your nails, especially if you notice any of the signs outlined above.